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7 Travel Lessons from my 1st Independent Excursion

4. Once a While, Travel will Disappoint:

Once again, I’m being dramatic here, but in an age where travelling has become the ‘cool’ thing to do and everybody wants to do it long-term, it’s immensely important to point out and to realize that it isn’t always as rosey as it may sound. Things can go horribly wrong, you could miss a flight, you could get mugged and for a more realistic example – the weather could totally ruin the joy of experiencing one of those things you most looked forward to doing (welcome to my world). I wanted to take a surfing lesson during my 2 day stay at Bundoran – a small obscure surfing village in north-western Ireland, but one of the country’s best surfing spots. For some odd reason, on a perfectly sunny day, the water was deemed too dangerous for an amateur session of surfing and I was left ruing my luck.

At other times, things you had heard a lot about – places, people or experiences, may not live up to your expectations. When I set off on this journey, I had such brilliant pictures of Ireland in my mind, I’d have laughed if anybody had ever mentioned that it could ever leave me wanting. Thankfully, it largely lived up to its billing, but there were times and moments when I drove for hours to arrive at a particular destination recommended by a local or paid a hefty admission fee to see a local attraction, but leave feeling a little mooched. This happens, but you know what? That’s partly what makes the whole thing so beautiful & exciting – not knowing how things will turn out, not knowing what wonders await you tomorrow.

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  1. Katie@From Shores to Skylines

    I especially agree with that you get out of travel what you are willing to put into it. If you sit back and expect things to happen to you without any effort, it may never happen!

  2. There are so many lessons to be learned from traveling, especially while solo. I think for me I just really learned how to enjoy my own company and be content!

  3. I really want to travel more. I have not seen much outside of the US. These are some great lessons!

  4. I’m travelling around Asia at the moment with my husband, I love it…but you do need to “roll with the punches” so they say. Don’t give up on travel…it’s very worthwhile.

  5. Any kind of travel is full of challenges. But some of those challenges lead to the best experiences.

  6. You can learn a lot while traveling especially when you are on your own. The lessons you learned will just make the next trip even better.

  7. I always travel in packs, with my family. I could not imagine traveling alone.

  8. I have been traveling since I was small. the best lesson I ever learned was ” If you learn nothing else of the language learn to say thank you.” It goes a long way.

  9. Traveling independently is such an empowering way to visit the world. It isn’t always easy at the time, but makes for amazing memories and deeper perspectives.

  10. I love to travel and the whole experience of traveling. I guess the thrill of not know what will happen or what you are going to experience is what gives me excitement. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Travelling is something that I recommend everyone to do, it teaches you so much about the world around you.

  12. Your travels look and sound so exciting. We don’t travel much or for long, the end of a week to 10 days and I’m ready for home. There are places I would like to see, but not alone.

  13. Looks like a great place to visit.

  14. Mine was in China. The first time I went out of the country, I lived there for four months without my parents. I felt so free!

  15. Thank you so much for these tips! I am going to London in January and will keep all of these in mind. They are so helpful!

  16. When I travelled to Europe after finishing High School, it was an eye opening experience. I HIGHLY recommend travelling on your own (or with close friends) to really discover who you are and gain an appreciation for your life.

  17. I don’t remember ever traveling alone. I mean I flew alone, but someone took me to the airport and someone picked me up so actually I was with someone during the time being away from home, but I always remember that I don’t sleep as well without being in my own bed. It’s always nice to come home. As they say home is where the heart is.

  18. Those are some great tips. I don’t know if I can travel alone.

  19. I’d love to travel around the world, one day I hope to do so!

  20. Sorry that things didn’t go as planned by having to staying in a stinky hotel room on your last night or getting seperated by friends. I don’t travel much so I don’t have any pointers but thanks for your lessons.

  21. Great article! I love that you point out you shouldn’t let someone else’s experience dictate your own personal one.

  22. my first travel was in singapore and because there is so much filipino there i am never lost when ever i go. i haven’t travel or go to other unfamiliar countried myself haha too scared

  23. Thanks for sharing about the lessons you have learned from traveling. I’m sure a lot of us can take what you learned and apply it to each of our next vacations.

  24. Thanks for sharing your lessons you’ve learned. I hope I can travel one day soon & make good use of your knowledge.

  25. When you come through safe,those do make for the most intense travel stories. The good and the bad go hand in hand with travel that is for sure.

  26. It’s so true though, great travel can happen in your own backyard too. 🙂

  27. Loved all my solo trips and treks. It was a great chance to really soak in a place and learn more about myself.

  28. Travel is educational and it can shape our perspective of the world around us. Travel is not always pretty as stuff can happen. However, the best part is that you learn from it and then you can write about it. What’s not to love! 🙂

  29. Traveling is no doubt fun and always a learning experience, but for me it has to be with friends or family. Never alone

  30. Aisha Kristine Chong

    Every moment we do something and engage something, we get to experience things and learn things. 🙂

  31. I really want to get back to traveling. I used to travel all the time, for work and for play.

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