Nomadic Lives

10 Great Exercises for Sexy Legs

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We’ve day dreamed about them, envied people who have them and idolized super models strutting down the runway. Some of us have tried, picked our bums from the couch and busted some serious sweat in the gym, but somehow, those perfectly toned legs still seem as far away from reality as that unicorn you dreamt of as a kid. But what if, what if it’s not that hard, what if it’s not the effort that’s lacking but our approach to it that’s wrong. It’s possible – anything is. If that’s your approach, you’ve already won half the battle. Here’s what you can do for those ridiculous, sexy legs.


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1.       Squats

This is a complete body exercise – you work your glutes, hamstrings, chords, lower back, shoulders and fore-arms. Not to mention is burns the highest number of calories! The most important part about squatting, or any other exercise for that matter, is to get the form right. Basic squat form: start with legs placed at shoulders length distance from each other, slowly with your head straight, chest out and shoulders back, push your butt backwards and bend down; making sure at all times that your knees don’t go ahead of your toes. Go as deep (close to the floor) as you can and come back up in the same form. Remember to breathe in as you go down and exhale as you come back up. Ideally you should do 2 sets of 10 reps each; slowly start increasing the sets & reps as you get stronger. Apart from this basic body weight squat, you can try many variations like jumping squats, weighted back and front squats, hack squats and sumo squats. Mix up your routine by trying different variations each time.

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2.       Lunges

Start by keeping your upper body straight and your shoulders back. Now step forward with one leg and lower your hips so that both your legs are at a 90 degree angle. Try keeping your front knee directly above your ankle and not push it forward too much, and make sure your back knee doesn’t touch the floor. Now keeping the weight on your heels, push back up into starting position – you should feel the tension in your glute, hamstring and chord muscles. Repeat this for 8-12 times per leg, doing two sets in total. Have some fun by adding weights as you progress. Other variations you could try are side barbell lunges or single leg bodyweight/weighted lunges.

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3.       Kickbacks

This exercise is your best friend if you’re looking to, quite literally, get your butt in shape! Beginners can start with using one kg ankle weights for each of your legs. This exercise comes in so many variations different variations that you’ll never get bored of it. Start by bending down on all fours – your knees and hands. Now for straight leg kickbacks, push your leg back straight and in the same position slowly kick it up as high you can go and then bring it to the same position; repeat 10 times for each leg. For bent knee kickbacks, stretch your legs backwards and bend your knees at a 90 degree angle. Now, in the same position kick, with your toes pointing upwards, kick your leg as high up as you can and then slowly bring it back down to starting position; again, repeat 10 times for each leg.

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4.       Medicine Ball Hamstrings

Like the name suggests, this works on your hamstrings. Lie down on the floor, bend your knees at a 90 degree angle and keep your toes on the top most part of the medicine ball, without having to lift your body up. Now slowly push your hips up in the air using force from your hamstrings so that only the tip of your toes is touching the ball; then return to starting position. You will have to continuously maintain your balance with the medicine ball and at no time should you lift your toes completely off the ball. Do two sets of 8-12 reps each.

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5.       Leg Press

This is one of the best exercises for your chord muscles and you do this using a diagonal sled-type leg press machine. Starting with a weight level that you’re comfortable with, lie back on the machine on your back. Put your feet on the extreme top left and right sides of the panel in front of you. Now slowly let the weighted panel come down by folding your knees and then push it back up. Always keep your knees slightly bent and don’t stretch them out straight. Similar to the others, do about 2 sets of 8-12 reps each.

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6.       Leg Extention

Done using a machine called, surprisingly, the leg press machine! This is a great exercise for your quadriceps muscles. Sit on the chair of this machine and adjust it so that your back is straight and has complete support. Bend your legs at the knees to fit behind the cushioned rod. Slowly straighten your knees to lift the rod up until your legs are completely straight; then slowly bring them back. Quite easy, eh? Beginners can start with 2 sets of 8-12 reps and adjust weight according to your strength.

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7.       Deadlifts

A complete leg exercise; this works your hamstring, glutes, chords, arms and lower back – much like squats. You will require a long barbell and weights for this one. Start with light weights and gradually increase the intensity. For stiff leg deadlifts, spread your feet to shoulder length distance. Now with your knees completely straight, bend your upper body forward and down to pick up the rod – come back up in the same position lifting the rod up with you. Repeat it again; bend down with the weight in your hands and come back up. Make sure not to bend your knees and maintain your balance. Don’t want to fall down with the weights now, do we? You can start with 2 sets of 8-12 reps each. You can also substitute the barbell with dumbbells if you like.

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8.       Box Jumps

All you need for this is a sturdy stool/box/chair – anything elevated and that doesn’t move or shake. Quite simply, push your legs up, jump and land on the stool, and then jump back down. This is a great warm up exercise. Try managing about 3 sets of 10-12 reps each and solely build up.

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9.       Lying Leg Curls

The lying leg curls are done using a bench which has a cushioned rod attached to it on one side. Adjust the weight and then lie down on the bench facing downwards, and push your legs under the rod. Now focusing on your hamstrings, push the rod up and then slowly let it come back to the original position. Repeat this 8-12 times for a total of 2 sets.

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10.   Weighted calf raises

Last, but most certainly not the least, is this exercise for your calves. You can do this easily on a staircase using dumbbells. With weights on either side, keep the top part of your feet on the first step. Now slowly allow both your heels to go down simultaneously and then push back up so that you’re just standing on the tip of your toes. To being with, try managing 2 sets of 15 reps each.

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These exercises all help you to burn fat and build muscle simultaneously. Do only 5 of them during one workout session otherwise you’ll over work your muscles. Watch your diet (check out some great diet food ideas on Here’s To a Healthy Life) and nothing’s stopping you from flaunting those mouth-watering, sexy legs in the bikini season.

For more variations and exercises to spruce up your quest to achieve those sexy legs, hit up these great articles:
7 Exercise Moves for Lean, Sexy Legs
Love Your Legs Workout
18 Moves to Tone Your Butt, Thighs & Legs

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